Monday, August 22, 2011

Don't Look At Me!

 A while back I was in the food court of a mall when I noticed a group of three teenagers sporting their wildest, weirdest, spikiest, loudest, most torn up attire.  Two boys, both wearing eyeliner, and a girl, wearing even more eyeliner.  All donned piercings, ripped clothing, and about a half a bottle of mousse each (although the boys only sported a wild hairdo on the top and front, while the back of their hair seemed to be a mousse-free zone, leading me to believe they probably left the house looking somewhat "normal", then hurriedly applied handfuls of mousse in the mall restroom just prior to their public appearance).  At first glance I had to smile.  Kids trying to find themselves... expressing themselves the only way they know how.  I can relate... more power to them (after all, I did grow up in the 80s).  But as people turned to check them out, I heard one of the kids say "why don't you take a picture?", which got me thinking.  Why the hell would you dress in a manner that is intended to draw attention to yourself, then get upset when you get attention?  It's not my fault you walked in here looking like a wannabe punked up emo dweeb.  News flash for all teens trying to make a statement - If you dress, talk, walk, sing, drive, do your hair, apply your makeup, or otherwise act in any manner intended to attract attention... you're going to attract attention!  If you prefer not to attract attention... blend.  It's that simple. 

Don't want people to look at you?  Throw on some clean jeans that actually cover your underwear (hint: there's a reason it's called "underwear"), a T-shirt, shoes that are laced up and tied properly, an average hairstyle, and minimal makeup and piercings.  I guarantee people all over town will walk right passed you without any pointing, laughing or mocking.  On the other hand, if you prefer to be noticed, that's fine too.  Put on your holy jeans, rat your hair, line your eyes, pierce your lips, cheeks and eyebrows, throw on some bright colors or spikes and enjoy the limelight... sometimes it's good to be seen.  Ultimately the choice is yours... but when you finally get what you're asking for... shut the hell up and accept it.