Friday, November 9, 2012

Ring Ring!

So I sit here at my desk, while my coworker's office phone begins to ring.  Ring, ring... ring, ring... ring, ring... about four rings is standard before finally being sent to voice mail.  Sure enough, after four rings there's silence, and then... ring, ring... ring, ring... ring, ring... apparently they don't believe my coworker is not at his desk.  Four more rings, and then silence... for about eight seconds.  Ring, ring... ring, ring... ring, ring... now this is just getting silly.  After another round of rings, the phone finally falls quiet.  Ahh, a non-ringing office.  My joy is short lived, however, as I quickly come to the realization that my coworker has apparently left his cell phone at his desk.  Ring, ring... ring, ring... ring, ring... and we begin a ping-pong of phone rings.  Office phone, cell phone, office phone, cell phone, ring, ring... ring, ring... ring, ring... ring, ring...

I suppose it would be humorous to me if this was the first time it had ever happened, or if this coworker was the only one who had a friend or family member who feels it necessary to continuously keep dialing a number they know no one is going to answer... but apparently this form of serial call-back-ing is standard practice for at least a percentage of Americans.

People... honestly... if you call someone's phone and they don't answer, there are only two reasons.  Either they're unavailable, or they simply don't want to talk to you.  Either way, continuously calling them over and over will not get them to answer any quicker.  Most phones now days have caller ID, so they will see that you've called when they get back to their phone.  If they wish to speak with you... they'll call you.  Above all else, please realize that when you continuously call a phone over and over, there just may be an innocent coworker on the other side of the wall wishing for a little peace from the incessant RINGING!!!!